Wednesday, April 11, 2007
2007 Newsletters -Giving Girls Goals
February -Underage drinking
http:/// -DENIAL - Small Word, Big Impact
April -Kids and Money -What They Need To Know
May -Drug Test Your Teen - Yes or No - FREE DRUG TESTS AVAILABLE
June -Free GRAND Subscription, Kids of Meth Parents, Prescription Drug Use in Rehab, Power of Parenting Day
July -FOX NEWS LIVE Interview with Susie; Teens & Risk-Taking;Emotional Connection/Attunement facilitates Academic Achievement; Research on Zero Tolerance; and Parents Providing Alcohol at Parties
August -Stop Childhood Obesity - Nutrition Newsletter
September 2007.htm - Teen Emotional Issues - Talking Helps, Psychotropic Drugs and more
Monday, April 9, 2007
2006 Newsletters
iPod Influence on Teens & Education

November Newsletter: -Arts Impact on Raising Healthy Kids
2005 Newsletters

2004 Newsletters

February Newsletter: -Drinking - Variety of Interesting Perspectives re: Teen Drinking
March Newsletter: -Youth Violence Issues
May Newsletter: -Teen Depression, Suicide
July Newsletter: -Stress-Induced Teen Drinking, Specific State Alcohol Actions
August Newsletter: -Juvenile Drug Court - Example - Orange County, California
October Newsletter: -Youth Violence, Video Games, and more
November Newsletter: -What Various Countries are Doing about Youth Alcohol and Substance Abuse
2003 Newsletter
2002 Newsletter
2001 Newsletters

Spring Newsletter: -Various Prevention Topics
Winter Newsletter: -Pre-Teen Fashion Concerns, Youth and Gun Violence, Verbal Abuse Impact
2000 Newsletters
Spring Newsletter: -Prevention Info, Service Learning Curriculum
Winter Newsletter: -National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign
1999 Newsletter
my book: 52 Ways To Protect Your Teen

* Sleep better knowing your teen is well prepared to resist peer pressure.
* Written in 52 short, easy-to-read chapters
* Unique insights into the “why” and “how” teenagers think.
I wrote this book based on lengthy one-on-one conversations with 25,000 individual teens following my LEGACY OF HOPE® assemblies at their schools and youth conferences.
The world our youth are growing up in today is not the same as the world of our childhood. The pressures and the pains of adolescence are magnified multi-fold, and so are the means of escaping them. So we adults need a reality check AND we need to know how to reach teenagers raised in a digital, multi-media, sound-bite, extreme, star-studded, sexualized, endorsed drug-using social environment. Let's not forget that it is a bottom-line profits world today in which we've allowed corporate America to market everything under the sun to our youth with sexual messages we would have considered pornography a generation ago.
HOW TO with a mighty mix of HOPE! 52 Ways is easy to read -- read a little, read a lot, then re-read when you want to try out a new skill or approach to a teen, on a day he/she is sporting a less than communicative "attitude"!
Who I Am and What I Do